Descaling Nozzles

Descaling Test Bench


The process for removing oxide scale deposits from steel surfaces is made at very high temperatures and requires nozzles that operate at high pressures, up to 600 bar at times. The descaling quality greatly depends on the uniformity of performance of the nozzles installed onto the intake manifold. It is also crucial to extend the operating life of the nozzles before their drop in performance makes their replacement necessary. Therefore, an accurate control of the performance of our descaling nozzles and the evaluation of their operating life, are key elements that PNR makes using a special test bench, of its own design and production, in order to ensure its customers the full compliance of the supplied nozzles with the strict quality requirements of the modern descaling process.

Descaling Bench Test

PNR offers its Customers the opportunity to measure the real values of the impact force and pressure as well as the actual spray angle of its descaling nozzles, therefore ensuring that the supplied product meets the requires technical specifications.